[pw-ci] [PATCH 2/2] github_get_logs: handle multiple failed step in a single job

Aaron Conole aconole at redhat.com
Wed Aug 4 14:55:08 UTC 2021

Salvatore Daniele <sdaniele at redhat.com> writes:

> A github job can fail multiple steps within a single job.
> The current implementation fails to pull logs when handed a
> job with multiple failed steps.
> This patch generates logs for each step of each job.
> Signed-off-by: Salvatore Daniele <sdaniele at redhat.com>
> ---
>  github_get_logs.sh | 13 +++++++------
>  1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/github_get_logs.sh b/github_get_logs.sh
> index 2f6cc9c..99b60a1 100755
> --- a/github_get_logs.sh
> +++ b/github_get_logs.sh
> @@ -97,28 +97,29 @@ print_errored_logs_for_commit () {
>      # Print out which jobs failed
>      echo "-----------------------Summary of failed steps-----------------------"
> -    echo "$jobs_results" | jq -r ".[].name" | while read -r job; do
> -        echo "\"$job\" failed at step \"$(echo "$jobs_results" | jq -r ".[] | \
> -            select(.name==\"$job\") | .failed_step.name")\""
> +        echo "$jobs_results" | jq -r ".[] | .name, .failed_step.name " | while \
> +            read -r job && read -r step; do

Why this:

  read .. && read ..

Can't it just be:

  while IFS=',' read -r job step; do

Did I miss something?

> +        echo "\"$job\" failed at step $step"
>      done
>      echo "----------------------End summary of failed steps--------------------"
>      echo ""
>      echo "-------------------------------BEGIN LOGS----------------------------"
>      spacing=0
> +
>      # Print out logs for failed jobs
> -    echo "$jobs_results" | jq -r ".[].name" | while read -r job; do
> +    echo "$jobs_results" | jq -r ".[] | .name, .failed_step.name, .failed_step.number" | while \
> +        read -r job && read -r step && read -r log_number; do
> +

Same as above.

Do we still have a 2-job issue with this?  Can you send a link to an
example job?

>          if [ ! "$spacing" -eq "0" ]
>          then
>              echo -ne "\n\n\n\n"
>          fi
> -        step="\"$(echo "$jobs_results" | jq -r ".[] | select(.name==\"$job\") | .failed_step.name")\""
>          echo "####################################################################################"
>          echo "#### [Begin job log] \"$job\" at step $step"
>          echo "####################################################################################"
> -        log_number=$(echo "$jobs_results" | jq ".[] | select(.name==\"$job\") | .failed_step.number")
>          cat "build_logs_series_$series_id/$job/$log_number"_* | tail -n 25 | cut -d' ' -f2- | sed 's/\r$//'
>          echo "####################################################################################"

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